Telehealth Appointments for Reproductive and Sexual Health

Dr Sarah McDonnell

Our clinic is keen to enable access to services provided by the GPs at Neighbourhood Medical for both new and existing patients. This enables access to specialised reproductive and sexual health services that may not be available nearby, or may be easier or more confidential to access via Telehealth.

Video or phone consultations for the provision of services related to blood borne viruses, sexual or reproductive health allow for Medicare benefits to be received by patients without previously attending the clinic face to face. These Medicare rebates are intended to support patient access to medical services where there may be barriers due to privacy or limited service provision locally and are not intended to replace routine services that your own regular GP can provide.

These consultations are booked as 30 minutes long appointments (equivalent to a face to face “long consult”) and fees are the same as our usual face to face appointments, varying according to the duration of the appointment, concession card status and on Saturdays.

Examples of services we can provide during these appointments include:

-       STI testing

-       Discussion of problems relating to periods

-       Contraceptive advice including discussing IUDs (eg Mirena, Kyleena)

-       Concerns about fertility

-       Unplanned pregnancy advice/ MTOP counselling

-       Provision of PrEP for HIV prevention

-       Menopause medicine (please choose a dedicated Telehealth menopause initial consultation type as this generally needs a prolonged appointment up to 45 minutes )

It is important to note that appointments for antenatal care for pregnant women and care related to assisted reproduction such as IVF are excluded from Medicare rebates for this kind of appointment.


GPs at Neighbourhood Medical providing this service include :

Dr Sarah McDonnell

Dr Jo Hallinan

Dr Louisa Gilles

Dr Mairaed Crawford

Dr Katie Franks

Dr Chantel Sabbadin

Please read each GPs bio here to see who might be the best fit for you.


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